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Mindfulness through Sound

Roni is embarking on a new adventure to bring mindfulness to our community through sound.  Her instruments of choice are beautiful quartz crystal singing bowls.  It is an experience like no other as you feel immersed in the vibrations that these bowls produce.  Everyone has a different and personal experience but most say they are able to quiet the mind and find a deep relaxing and meditative state.

Kris, Neffs, PA

“Roni shares her beautiful voice with the playing of her singing bowls in a way that is spirit filling, heart soothing, and mind healing. She has an inspiring and gracious gift. I highly recommend her! 

Marion J, Breinigsville, PA

" Roni exudes a mystical and peaceful energy as she sings and plays the singing bowls. I felt uplifted and freed as Roni offered her voice and her singing bowls. I experienced a sense of oneness and timelessness through this special healing prayer sound  environment. "

Jenn, Orefield, PA

“My personal experience with Roni and the singing bowls was total relaxation of body, mind and spirit.  Somehow, the sound bath reaches the core of your soul in such a way that I can't really explain.  Amazing experience!!!
Blue Skies



1/30-Breathe Service

Neffs Union UCC Church, 7pm


2/24-Private Event


2/27-Breathe Service


3/26-Breathe Service


4/14-Private Event


4/18-Labyrinth Walk at First & Central, Wilmington, DE

1:15 to 2:15


4/30-Breathe Service




Blue Skies


Interested in finding out more?  Roni will be happy to contact you!

Blue Skies



Individual private sessions with focused intention on healing


Group sessions at your workplace, spa, or retreat


Group and private sessions focused for teens


* This includes meditation and breathwork education with the intention of  alleviating stress, and empowering healthy self-soothing techniques


Sound Baths for Meditation Services


Sound Baths for Labyrinth Walks





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